Chris starred in the U.S. premiere of Rowan Williams‘s Shakeshafte for The Shakespeare Project of Chicago.
The play, written by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, imagines a meeting between a young Will Shakespeare and the Jesuit martyr St. Edmund Campion.
Directed by Peter Garino, Chris played Campion opposite Chris Landis as Will, with Lydia Berger Gray (Margaret Crichlow), Jack Hickey (Thomas Hoghton), Gary Houston (Alexander Hoghton), Peter Eli Johnson (Fulk Gillom), John Kishline (Rob Tomlinson), Kim Richard Mowrey (Thomasin), Grace Smith (Margery Gerrard), and Fredric Stone (Roger Livesey).
The creative team included George Zahora (music and sound design) and Brynne Barnard (assistant director).
Shakeshafte played September 15 and 16 at the Niles-Maine District Library and the Newberry Library.
Image courtesy The Shakespeare Project of Chicago.